Monday, March 17, 2014

Internet Safety Guidelines

The internet is an incredibly powerful tool that can be used effectively in education. The open source nature of the internet also means that not everything found on the web is safe or age appropriate for elementary aged kids. There are a number of great sources online that contain helpful information about using the internet in a safe and secure way. Below are some general guidelines that teachers can follow in order to help their students use the internet in the safest way possible:

  • Bookmark frequently used sites for your students so they can easily access these sites without having to search for them.
  • Keep computers in a common area that is easily viewable by yourself and anyone else in the room. This will help students resist the temptation for innapropriate usage and keep you aware of any outside security and safety threats.
  • Customize security features such as safe search settings and parental controls in order to protect your students as much as possible.
Below is an example of a set of internet safety rules you might use in your elementary classroom:

Classroom Internet Rules

  1. Use the computer and internet to do things that the teacher has directed you to do. Don't search sites or do things on your own without the teacher's permission.
  2. Don't enter personal information about yourself. This includes pictures of you, your name, your phone number, or your address.
  3. Stay off of message boards and chat sessions unless the teacher gives you permission.
  4. Use good web manners. Don't use bad language or call people names online. Treat others like you would want to be treated.
  5. If something is wrong, report it to the teacher immediately.

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