Monday, July 7, 2014

Developing an Effective Assessment Plan

In a well balanced and effective assessment plan for project based learning, the students should play a significant role in the creation of standards and goals. I have tried to keep this in mind in the development of an assessment plan for my school radio news station project. The assessment plan should meet the key principles as outlines by "What Kids Can Do" organization. Below is a description of how I have tried to address each of the key areas:

Assessment is for students.
The creation of the radio station is a tangible product that provides the students with a sense of ownership. The news station will benefit the students by raising community awareness for school news and events. A sense of ownership will also be fostered as the groups themselves will decide on appropriate length and content of the broadcasts. In this way, the students will create their own assessment goals.

Assessment is faithful to the work students actually do.
The ongoing class blog will provide students an opportunity for ongoing assessement in which students can continue to demonstrate their skills and knowledge. The blog, the script peer review, and other assessements will drive student progress and benefit the end product.

Assessment is public.
The principle probably needs some more attention in the plan that I have come up with so far. I will need to come up with ideas to keep the assessment goals visible and in the front of the students' minds as the project goes along. Student goals will definitely be included in the summative assessment for the radio broadcast. The teacher will conduct some of the assessment. Peer reviews will also take place. I will probably include some type of subject major expert to be included in the assessment plan also.

Assessment promotes ongoing self-reflection and critical inquiry.
The assessment plan will remain flexible and will be subject to change throughout the process. The technical standards for the project will mirror those of professionals in the field in terms of audio quality, editing, and use of technology tools.

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