Sunday, December 8, 2013

School Evaluation Summary

Completing the school evaluation summary was an interesting and very useful assignment. Before starting the evaluation, I already had some ideas in my head about how my school would rank. I knew the small size of our university and its limited resources would be factors that would potentially keep Warrior University from scoring well on the evaluation. Being a technology support employee at our school also gives me a unique and probably somewhat biased opinion about the use of technology at our school. I was surprised that our school graded out at the Integrated level on the Technology Benchmark Model.

There a couple of items worth noting from the evaluation. Warrior University consistently scored higher on resources and infrastructure than it did on behavioral. I think this reflects the fact that capable systems and technology are in place but are not being used to their fullest potential. Secondly, there is an incredibly wide spectrum of technology use at our school. Some employees are early adopters, embracing technology and constantly seeking out new ideas. Others are resistant of change and slow to adopt any usage of technology. My hope is that we will continue to seek out and develop those who can drive the change at Warrior University in order to bring us closer and closer to the Intelligent use level.