Monday, March 16, 2015

Podcast - TechTips

For this project, I have recorded an introductory episode for a simulated online podcast. The end result provides a learning artifact that adheres to AECT standards 3.1 and 3.2. AECT standard 3.1 points to the ability to create learning material based on sound learning principles and best practices. The podcast fulfills this requirement as it adheres to the guidelines of the redundancy and modality principles. The podcast also fulfills the requirements of AECT standard 3.2 as an effective resource for optimal learning based on these same principles.

Blog Title:

TechTips with Kent is a weekly podcast that discusses all things technology related. The content includes new product reviews, general technology information, productivity tips, and a multitude of other tech topics. The goal of tech tips is to make technology approachable for people who are interested in learning but are intimidated by language and jargon they don’t understand. I hope you will be able to take something from each episode and easily apply it to your life in a way that will help you leverage and understand technology to make it work for you.

Introductory Episode:
What to know before you spend the dough (Computer Buying Guide)

In this introductory episode, I will attempt to answer a question that I am asked nearly every week by someone who knows I work with technology: “I am interested in purchasing a new computer. What should I get?” I will layout out some of the key considerations when buying a new computer, including desktop vs. laptop, brands, specs, and other general items to consider. After listening to this episode, you should feel more confident walking in to the store or ordering your computer online.

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